Introducing Everything DiSC® Sales: The most in-depth, easily customizable DiSC®-based sales development and training solution available! Everything DiSC Sales increases sales effectiveness using the power of DiSC. Salespeople learn to communicate better and improve their sales relationships by:

  • Understanding your DiSC sales style
  • Identifying and understanding your customer’s DiSC buying styles
  • Adapting your DiSC sales style to meet your customer’s needs

Everything DiSC Sales combines online pre-work assessment, classroom training, and online follow-up reinforcement to create a complete sales Training experience.


All-new, research-validated online assessment and sales-specific 22-page report helps you understand:

  • You
  • Your customer
  • Your sales relationship

< Five personalized, online Customer Interaction Maps, included with each profile, transfer the learning to real-life customers.


Everything DiSC® Sales Facilitation Materials for In-House Training

More than 60 minutes of contemporary video with real-world, sales-specific customer interactions. Create in-depth customized programs using the library of individual video segments, including:

  • Introduction to the DiSC Sales Styles
  • Customer Mapping
  • DiSC Customer Priorities
  • Adapting to the Sales Styles Matrix
  • Customer Priority Interviews

Easily Customizable
Use the video three ways:

  • Stand-alone clips
  • Integrated with the facilitation PowerPoint
  • Integrated into your custom PowerPoint


Six 50-minute modules are fully scripted and include engaging experiential and processing activities. Facilitator notes give you tips to maximize learning.

Easily Customizable
Create and save a customized solution for every session to fit any timeframe: half-day, full-day, or one hour.

Facilitation includes:

  • Leader’s Guides in MS Word
  • PowerPoint with embedded video
  • Stand-alone, menu-driven video
  • Participant handouts in MS Word
  • Templates and images
  • Sample Everything DiSC Sales Profile
  • Sample Everything DiSC Customer Interaction Map
  • Research documentation
  • Sales Interview Activity Card sets (for 24 participants)
  • Everything DiSC Customer Interaction Guides (for 24 participants)

Six 50-Minute Modules

Section I: Understanding Your DiSC Sales Style

Module 1: Introduction to the DiSC Sales Map. Participants learn about their DiSC sales style and how personal priorities influence their selling behaviors.
Module 2: Participants use what they’ve learned about sales priorities in an interviewing activity.

Section II: Recognizing and Understanding Customer Buying Styles

Module 3: Participants learn customer mapping, a new way of people-reading. They practice their customer-mapping skills in a competitive video-based activity.
Module 4: Participants learn about different customer priorities, then use their new skills to identify the buying styles of current customers.

Section III: Adapting Your Sales Style to Your Customer’s Buying Style

Module 5: Participants use their DiSC Sales Maps to understand how to navigate from their own styles to those of different types of customers.
Module 6: Participants role play adapting to their most challenging customer and complete an interaction plan for working with that customer.

Find out how your organization can begin to use Everything DiSC Sales Profile:

Call Richard Gaudette
Authorized Wiley Distributor




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