Introducing Everything DiSC® Sales:
The most in-depth, easily customizable DiSC®-based sales
development and training solution available! Everything DiSC Sales
increases sales effectiveness using the power of DiSC. Salespeople learn to
communicate better and improve their sales relationships by:
- Understanding your DiSC sales style
- Identifying and understanding your customer’s DiSC
buying styles
- Adapting your DiSC sales style to meet your customer’s
Everything DiSC Sales combines online pre-work
assessment, classroom training, and online follow-up reinforcement to create
a complete sales Training experience.
All-new, research-validated online assessment and sales-specific 22-page
report helps you understand:
- You
- Your customer
- Your sales relationship
Five personalized, online Customer Interaction Maps, included
with each profile, transfer the learning to real-life customers.
Everything DiSC®
Sales Facilitation Materials for In-House Training
More than 60 minutes of contemporary video with
real-world, sales-specific customer interactions. Create in-depth customized
programs using the library of individual video segments, including:
- Introduction to the DiSC Sales Styles
- Customer Mapping
- DiSC Customer Priorities
- Adapting to the Sales Styles Matrix
- Customer Priority Interviews
Easily Customizable
Use the video three ways:
- Stand-alone clips
- Integrated with the facilitation PowerPoint
- Integrated into your custom PowerPoint
Six 50-minute modules are fully scripted and include engaging experiential
and processing activities. Facilitator notes give you tips to maximize
Easily Customizable
Create and save a customized solution for every session to fit any
timeframe: half-day, full-day, or one hour.
Facilitation includes:
- Leader’s Guides in MS Word
- PowerPoint with embedded video
- Stand-alone, menu-driven video
- Participant handouts in MS Word
- Templates and images
- Sample Everything DiSC Sales Profile
- Sample Everything DiSC Customer Interaction
- Research documentation
- Sales Interview Activity Card sets (for 24
- Everything DiSC Customer Interaction Guides
(for 24 participants)
Six 50-Minute Modules
Section I: Understanding Your DiSC Sales Style
Module 1: Introduction to the DiSC
Sales Map. Participants learn about their DiSC sales style and how
personal priorities influence their selling behaviors.
Module 2: Participants use what they’ve learned about
sales priorities in an interviewing activity.
Section II: Recognizing and Understanding Customer
Buying Styles
Module 3: Participants learn customer
mapping, a new way of people-reading. They practice their customer-mapping
skills in a competitive video-based activity.
Module 4: Participants learn about different customer
priorities, then use their new skills to identify the buying styles of
current customers.
Section III: Adapting Your Sales Style to Your
Customer’s Buying Style
Module 5: Participants use their DiSC
Sales Maps to understand how to navigate from their own styles to those of
different types of customers.
Module 6: Participants role play adapting to their most
challenging customer and complete an interaction plan for working with
that customer.